We're hiring! | Property Professionals... Are you RED'DY?
Category Local News
A rare opportunity for Property Professionals in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town just opened up...
Reasons to Sell your home in Winter
Category Advice
Winter provides a different dynamic, but when utilised correctly it could make the world of difference.
Loadshedding and your home...
Category Advice
The South African Energy crises seems to be a crisis that will be part of our everyday lives for a long time to come.
Birthday Celebrations - Free things you can do | Cape Town Edition
Category Local News
Are you also always in search of something fun to do on or around the time of your birthday?
The Hunt to find out where the Easter Bunny comes from is on!
Category Celebration Days
Who is the Easter Bunny really? / Where does the Easter Bunny come from?
Moving made easy for your pet
Category Advice
Like most adventures in one's life, moving requires good preparation for both you and your pet. Here's a few tips to help you out:
Moving or want to move to Cape Town?
Category Local News
Here's a list of 11 top recommended real estate companies and why wisemove.co.za recommends them...
New years resolutions for your home
Category Advice
resolutions are put in place yearly to encourage us why not do the same for your home goals. Heres a few things to think about for 2022:
RED Properties | Year End 2021
Category Blog
This year we took a road trip to Riebeeck Kasteel to celebrate our achievers and end of the year.